Friday, February 4, 2011

Traveling Tip 101 - #4 Travel Healthy

Indeed great health is truly great wealth!

It is important for you to take care of your current state of health even before planning a trip. This is to ensure that you would have a great holiday experience without any worries.  Moreover, now with the rise of H1N1 or bird flu infection, it is most preferable to take care of your own health so that you could enjoy distressing while being away from your own country.

So, where do you begin?

There are a total 3 steps: Before your trip, during your trip and at your destination

Before your trip, you should

1.       Get an immunization jab (e.g. flu jab, H1N1 jab). Caution: This might bring side effects, thus jab should be done at least 2 weeks before flight date.
2.       If you are prone to air sickness, do request for a window seat over the wing of the airplane.
3.       Best to wear loose or comfortable clothing and shoes for your flight.
4.       If you are feeling unwell, try to reschedule your flight till you are ready to fly.

During your trip, you should

1.       Eat lightly during the course of your flight to avoid getting dizzy and thus vomit (trust me; u would not want that to happen).
2.       Keep yourself hydrated.
3.       Try to stand up and walk around once in a while if condition permits (this would help your legs greatly; avoiding cramps from happening).

And lastly, at your destination, you should

1.       Never purchase local medications that you are unfamiliar with.
2.       Apply sun block to protect your skin from the harmful sun rays.
3.       Replenish yourself with mineral water to avoid for getting sick at the course of your trip.

Hope with this healthy travelling tips; it would help you in monitoring your health and therefore eventually would have an eventful holiday trip!


  1. Good travelling tips especially for those who will be going for a holiday nex month!

  2. These are good tips that would be useful for people who barely have the chance to travel by air. Or just to remind them that they would have to take precautions before going overseas.

  3. Good use of lists, it made your post very easy to read! I learnt some new things too :D well done!

  4. good list! i agree that most of them are important.. but some can certainly be a hastle. um, is there something wrong with the typing because there are all these words infront of each point...?

  5. In most of my travel holidays, i would quite frequently get sick, which is really terrible. I guess its due to my care for my body before the holiday. I think i would try to keep myself healthy for the trip. Thanks for your advises!
